Audits and Non-Audit Services |
Government is in the service business and as such must provide the best services for its constituents’ money. By legislating the creation of the Audit Committee and Internal Audit Department in 2000, Summit County voters stated their desire for the accountability of management and efficiency of operations of their government. This legislation was so important to the voters, that they made it part of the Summit County Charter. By this legislation, the voters notified all Summit County governmental entities receiving any monies from them, either by taxes, levies, fees or other means, that they are subject to audit by the Internal Audit Department to ensure their money is spent prudently and in their best interest. Preliminary or "Snapshot" Audits During the course of the Countywide Risk Assessment, it became apparent to the IAD that a general lack of understanding of business processes and practices and internal controls was widespread. Due to the nature of the many and varied risks, time was of the essence. It was decided that the best course of action to ascertain and address the highest risks in the shortest time possible was to perform a high level review of the operations of each of the identified audit population. Preliminary Audit Follow-Ups IAD recommended to the Audit Committee that follow-up audits be performed approximately six to nine months after the preliminary audits are conducted to monitor the progress of management’s action plans. The department began these follow-ups in June 2005. Comprehensive Audits Comprehensive auditing calls for examination of the adequacy, legality, accountability and efficiency of the application of public funds. Non-Audit Services In addition to the audits and ongoing risk assessment, the IAD has also been requested to provide non-audit services by its Audit Committee and various County officeholders, departments, courts, boards, and agencies. IAD worked closely with the blue ribbon committee to perform the CSB Performance Audit Review. The Audit Committee, Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB), and Luminosity requested IAD’s assistance on matters related to the Jail Overcrowding project. CJAB also asked IAD to work on the workflow and state reimbursement issues for the Public Defender’s Office Indigent Defense fund. IAD performed a third party billing audit of Medical Mutual of Ohio, upon request of the Insurance & Risk Management Department. The Human Resource Commission solicited assistance with the rewrite of Section 169 of the Summit County Codified Ordinances as well as a review of the FMLA process and the Leave Donation programs. IAD assisted the Department of Development with compliance matters. MRDD requested a review of some of its fiscal processes. The IT Advisory Board and the Audit Committee asked IAD to review the requests for proposals and responses, as well as attend meetings and vendor presentations for the Jail Management System, Case Management System, and Wide Area Network project. IAD worked with CJAB and members of the criminal justice system on the Countywide property and evidence initiative. The Office of Finance and Budget requested that IAD work with the Procurement Card Program team on its design, implementation, and testing. IAD worked with the IT Advisory Board and the Emergency Management Agency on the Countywide business continuity/disaster recovery initiative.